
Édouard_ManetA_King_Charles_Spaniel“Will of the People”: a potential leader for Stay in Europe.
King Charles Spaniel by Édouard Manet, oil on canvas, c. 1866. Image source: Wikipedia

The Brexit Government’s smooth ride, trampling over NHS, education, Welfare and human rights in its hurry to get to the Kill, has been jolted at last.

Over-excited by their gallop, Tory MPs forgot they represent an animal-loving electorate when they voted down the animal sentience amendment in the EU Withdrawal Bill.

For one brief moment, Leavers and Remainers in the country were united in patriotic indignation.

The Government had been stupid enough to expose the weak spot of all Conservative Administrations: being perceived as uncaring.

Instantly, damage-controlling directives went out to Tory MPs to Be Compassionate.

One Tory MP posted a video of himself Loving his Dog. The dog, Poppy, was not consulted or asked if she was reassured her rights were safe.

If Remainers elected a dog or a cat to be their leader today, Brexit would be stopped by the Will of the People tomorrow.


10 comments on “Stay!

  1. […] The look on a dog’s face that says people have lost their minds. They had happiness within their grasp and they have thrown the ball away. Stop Brexit. STAY! […]


  2. […] Thank all our gods, he’s here again to cheer up a dreary post: the irresistible Will, of the People: Cavalier King Charles Spaniel by Manet […]


  3. […] you voted Leave or Remain, this Brexit is a mess. I’d have written “a dog’s breakfast” for a cheap laugh if it wasn’t a…Only […]


  4. PJR says:

    Adrienne, our messages crossed – thank you – and best wishes to you and all your family for Christmas and the New Year. As you said, Cavaliers are the best kind of silly.


  5. PJR says:

    This is to reassure Adrienne: I take all King Charles Spaniels very seriously indeed.


  6. beetleypete says:

    Ollie loves all other dogs, even Cavaliers. (Considering he is named for Oliver Cromwell, that is rather ironic…) x

    Liked by 1 person

  7. Cavaliers are the best kind of silly. I have a few other serious dogs but I will never be without a Cavalier if I can help it. 🙂 Hope you have a very merry Christmas, Pippa.


    Liked by 1 person

  8. PJR says:

    Pete, I’m aware that Ollie probably thinks Cavaliers are very silly, but “Will” looks very serious for a crowd-pleaser.

    Liked by 1 person

  9. beetleypete says:

    United by our love of animals and pets indeed.
    Shared on Twitter. x

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